
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hayes Family {{Family Mini Session // Southwest Missouri Family Portrait Photographer}}

Are you guys ready for extremely adorable pictures? Seriously, I can't be held responsible if you explode from the amount of adorable that you're about to view.

I took Anna's senior pictures in 2009 and I was so happy when she signed up for a mini session a few weeks ago.  I was even more excited she she pulled this saddle out of the back of her car.  Seriously.  It took so much restraint keep from jumping up and down.

Anna and her kids were so much fun and I really had a great time with them! Her son is a HOOT! And her daughter is a sweet little princess.  I am so happy I was able to photograph them.

Make sure you leave them comments and tell them how you almost passed out because they're so cute.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Mann Family {{Family Mini Session // Southwest Missouri Family Portrait Photographer}}

I did some mini sessions last weekend and they were awesome. I'm so glad that I had the chance to photograph the people that signed up! Thanks so much guys!!

The first session that I'm sharing from the mini sessions is a really fun family! I have known Button for  a long time and I've known her dad even longer! He was my elementary school P.E. teacher. He was the King of Nicknames and called me a few different things, but the one that I remember best is Pete. Long story, haha. He was one of my favorite teachers and I'll always remember him!

Anyways! This family is so fun and I am so glad that I could add this to one of the many memories I have of them.